1) How do I get started?
a. Once you have an account, you will want to set things up in the following order:
i. Choose your Time Zone! Practice Timing is running your practices from the World Clock, so it needs to know where you are in the world? If we are setting up your account, we do that for you. If you are doing the registering, you will be prompted to select the correct time zone for you.
ii. Set your groups (Position groups) first in the order that you want them to appear from left to right on your “Head Coach Practice View” grid (looks like a spreadsheet except you will be able to drag and drop activities into place). If you need to change the order in which they appear, you will need to edit them. LIMIT OF 12 POSITION GROUPS
iii. Add your Assistant Coaches and then marry them to a group. Each coach can only be married to one group. However, you can marry as many groups as you want to each activity. Each assistant coach will only see their assigned activities on their phone in the app. The Head Coach sees all activities and can also switch back and forth between groups.
iv. Start creating and designing practices and activities!
2) Can I delete a practice, group, coach, activity, etc…?
a. No, HOWEVER, you can EDIT all of the above. The EDIT feature allows you to change anything that you like at any time.
3) How do I set the times for my activities?
a. When creating activities, the program prompts you to choose the time of the activity the choice is in “HOURS: MINUTES”. The minimum increments of time are FIVE (5) minutes.
4) When I complete creating and designing a practice, do I need to save it?
a. No, everything is saved and stored in the cloud and when you complete setting it up, the World Clock, now has it and it will run automatically when it is time to run.
i. Example: If tomorrows practice is supposed to start at 3:00pm, everyone will get a notification at 2:59pm that “Pre-Practice will begin in 1 minute” or whatever your first activity is.
5) What is the “Notes” section for?
a. The Notes section allows you to put anything you want for that activity (scripts, drills, notes about players, or even you can link a video that may help with instruction).
6) Why does it ask me about video?
a. When you select “yes’, it will appear as a “Play” arrow icon that will let your video person know that you want that activity filmed.
7) Can I stop the time if I want to?
a. Yes, the Head Coach can “Pause Practice” for five minute increments and then it pushes everything back for five minutes. If you don’t need the whole five minutes, you have a little extra time for fill however you want to, because coaches always can do that! Remember, Practice Timing is a tool to help keep you on time and it will continue to do so after the pause is complete.
8) When can my coaches view the practice?
a. After our update (June, 2019), as soon as a practice is completed by the head coach, a push notification will be sent to all of the coaches that the completed practice is “ready to view”. At that point, the assistant coach will be able to view that practice in advance and there will be a drop down menu that will allow them to view any practice that is ready to view.