Practice Timing

Created by Coaches for Coaches

Practice Timing App Screenshot
"Practice Timing saves me hours, every week!"
Ty Gregg - Damonte Ranch High School

Practice Timing - Organize Practice

For as long as there has been competition, preparation or practice was essential to get ready for that competition.

“Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.” Vince Lombardi
“The more I practice, the luckier I get” Arnold Palmer
“Everything is practice.” Pele
“Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong.” Unknown

With how important practice is, it is evident that coaches want their practices to run efficiently. Organization is key and it's important that there is NO WASTED TIME in planning or executing practice.

The Problem: Papers, Alarms and “I can’t see or hear that thing”
To keep practices on time, the use of watches was the method of many. The problem is: it's tough to coach and run a timer at the same time. Lately, programs have been using big clocks with buzzers that cost several thousand dollars and they still need to have a paper practice plan in hand. Timers need to be reprogrammed if anything changes and many coaches on a practice field can’t see or hear the clock for transitions.

Even though most practice plans are created on computers, paper has been the conduit to bring the practice to life. With hundreds of practices a year and many coaches and you have a lot of wasted paper!

The Solution: Practice Timing (Created by Coaches for Coaches)
There is an easier, more convenient and affordable way. The answer: Practice Timing! What if your phone told you what was happening next in practice? In real time? Without anyone resetting a timer or alarm? Practice Timing is the answer to all of these problems! Practice Timing is all you need!

Practice Timing is a web app that has been created by coaches for coaches. Practice Timing allows coaches to design and create practices. Assistant coaches can login to the mobile app to view the practices, communicate with other coaches and view detailed information about each activity.

Practice Design

The head coach can design practice with an easy to use drag and drop interface. Copy previous practices or start from scratch. Completely customizable for any sport.

Keep Practice on Time

With a complete practice plan, view what is coming up including details about each activity. Push notifications keep practice on time.


Communicate in app with coaches and keep coach notes. With access to activity details and links to videos, all coaches are on the same page.